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Ceredigion County Council website

Discounts and Exemptions

Most dwellings will be subject to the Council Tax. Some, however, will be exempt and there will be no Council Tax to pay on them.

Class Summary

An unfurnished dwelling which:-

a) - requires or is undergoing, or has undergone major repair work to render it habitable, or
b) - is undergoing or has undergone structural alteration.

The exemption will apply for the shorter of:-
- A period of 12 months
- A period starting the day the dwelling became unfurnished and ending 6 months after the major repair or structural alteration was substantially completed.


A dwelling owned by a Charity which has been unoccupied for less than 6 months.


A dwelling which is vacant and substantially unfurnished and has been so for a period of less than 6 months, or a dwelling which is in the course of erection or whose erection is substantially complete but has remained vacant and unfurnished for a period of less than 6 months since completion.


A dwelling which is unoccupied because the liable person is detained in prison.


A dwelling which is unoccupied because the liable person is a long-term patient in a hospital or care home.


A dwelling which is unoccupied and where the liable person is the personal representative of the deceased former occupier, and less than six months have elapsed since grant of probate or letters of administration were made.


A dwelling which is prohibited from occupation by law.


A dwelling which is unoccupied and held available for occupation by a minister of religion.


A dwelling which is unoccupied because the liable person is receiving care elsewhere.


A dwelling which is unoccupied because the liable person is providing care elsewhere.


A dwelling which is unoccupied because the liable person is a student living elsewhere.


A dwelling which is unoccupied because it has been repossessed by the mortgagee.


A Student Hall of Residence.


A dwelling which is occupied entirely by students. The exemption will still apply where a non-British student's spouse is resident if that person is prevented, by terms of their UK entry visa, from taking employment or claiming benefits.


A dwelling which is owned by the Secretary of State for Defence.


Dwellings which are occupied by members of visiting forces (within the meaning of Part I of the Visiting Forces Act 1952).


A dwelling which is unoccupied and where the liable person is a trustee in bankruptcy.


A dwelling consisting of a pitch or a mooring which is not occupied by a caravan or boat.


A dwelling occupied only by a person or persons aged under 18.


An unoccupied dwelling which forms part of a single property which includes another dwelling and which may not be let separately without breaching Planning control.


A dwelling occupied only by severely mentally impaired persons or occupied by severely mentally impaired persons together with one or more students.


A dwelling in respect of which the liable person is a Diplomat or working for certain International Organisations.


An annexe or similar self contained section of a property occupied by an elderly or disabled relative of the residents living in the other part of the property.


A dwelling with one or more care leaver (aged 24 or under, and a category 3 young person as defined by section 104 of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 and where every resident are either a care leaver, a student, or someone with learning difficulties/mental health disorder. The exemption is effective from 1st April 2019.


The following section gives an indication of the types of discounts that can apply. Please note that the full qualifying conditions are not shown. If you think you may be entitled to a discount, please apply to the Director of Finance at the address shown.

If there is only one adult resident in the dwelling, a discount of 25% will apply.

Some adults who live in the dwelling will be ‘disregarded’ for discount purposes. In other words, they will not be counted as members of the household for the purpose of claiming a Council Tax discount.

Adults falling into the following groups are disregarded:-

  • Full-time students, student nurses; apprentices and Youth Training trainees;
  • Patients resident in hospital;
  • People who are being looked after in care homes;
  • People who are severely mentally impaired;
  • People staying in certain hostels or night shelters;
  • 18 and 19 year-olds who are at or have just left school;
  • Careworkers working for low pay (usually for charities);
  • People caring for someone with a disability who is not a spouse, partner or child under 18;
  • Members of visiting forces and certain international institutions;
  • Members of religious communities (monks and nuns);
  • People in prison (except those in prison for non payment of Council Tax or a fine); A discount may therefore apply if:-
  • All but one of the adults who live in the dwelling are disregarded, or
  • All of the adults who live in the dwelling are disregarded;
  • From 1st April 2019, care leavers – A care leaver is aged 24 or under and is a category 3 young person as defined by section 104 of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014

If your bill indicates that a discount has been allowed, you must tell the Council of any change in your circumstances which affects your entitlement. If you fail to do so, you could be liable to a penalty.

The Local Government Act 2003 introduced new discretionary powers for councils in respect of council tax discounts. The Act provides more freedom for councils to determine or vary discounts and exemptions from council tax in order to take into account local problems such as flooding and other natural disasters.