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Ceredigion County Council website

Aberystwyth Coastal Defence Scheme Consultation

Online consultation: Start: 27/08/2024 End: 08/10/2024

In person Engagement Event – Aberystwyth Bandstand
2nd September 12:00 – 20:00 & 3rd September 2024 10:00 – 17:00

What is in the Consultation?

AtkinsRealis have been working alongside Ceredigion County Council to develop coastal defence structures that will alleviate the coastal flooding problems along the Aberystwyth Seafront.

In 2018, an engagement event was held to construct a 1m high wall to the rear of the promenade, however further studies showed this was only partially effective in reducing the impact of wave overtopping. Options to construct higher walls were rejected on grounds they would be unacceptably high and cause visual intrusion. A solution for a flood defence structure on the beach was going to be necessary to reduce the height of waves. Further studies highlighted that a breakwater solution together with beach nourishment and rock groynes would be effective to protect Marine Terrace. At other locations, secondary flood walls on the promenade will be retained and added. A rock revetment will be placed in front of the sea wall at Victoria Terrace as well as strengthening and protection works to the existing promenade sea wall.

This public consultation material outlines the historic flooding problems associated with Aberystwyth Seafront and the likely future problems as a consequence of sea level rise and climate change.

What we will require from you, is feedback on the proposals outlined within this presentation. In order to provide feedback on this scheme please see the link below to a questionnaire with specific questions.

Should you wish to discuss the proposals with us, an in person engagement event is being held on 2nd & 3rd September in the Bandstand.

Background and Need for the scheme

Flooding is a problem today and this consultation deals with the coastal flooding caused by the incoming waves, and the wave over-topping of the promenade, which results in the need for regular shingle clearing off the promenade and damage to both the seawall and properties located on the opposite side of the promenade.

Flooding in the future:

Over time, climate change will increase still water levels by approximately 1m and together with increased storms this means:

  • Approximately 460 properties are at risk of flooding in 100 years’ time in the event of a 1 in 200-year storm and with failure of the sea wall
  • Existing promenade wall provides a very low standard of protection of 1 in 1 against wave over-topping

Why the scheme is required:

  • Approximately 200 properties are at risk of flooding in the present day in the event of a 1 in 200-year storm from wave overtopping alone and assuming the sea wall stays intact
  • Reduce risks of flooding to commercial and residential properties along the promenade and in the town
  • Reduce the risk of damage to the Promenade and seawall
  • Provide protection against predicted sea level rise/climate change
  • Maintain the defences and reduce the effects of coastal erosion
  • Provide a sustainable scheme to meet needs of future generations

Target Project Programme

  • Aug/Sept 2024 - Public consultation
  • Nov 2024 - Submission of Outline Business Case to Welsh Government
    2025 Undertake site surveys, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Prepare Detailed Designs
    Planning submission targeted for Late 2025
    Publish & invite tenders for the Works
  • Nov 2025 - Submission of Full Business Case to Welsh Government
    2026 Contract Award and Construction Start

Completing the survey

The Consultation comprises a digital video of the proposals, together with a questionnaire which will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.


Aberystwyth Coastal Defence Scheme - Plan

Please respond by 08/10/2024

If you require a paper copy to be posted to you or require it in an alternative format, please email or call the Contact Centre at or 01545 570881.

Alternatively, paper copies will be available at the consultation event in the bandstand where you will be able to view the digital video on a large screen.