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Ceredigion County Council website

Local Notices to Mariners and Local Lighthouse Authority Arrangements

Notices to Mariners are issued to advise of safety critical navigational information. Notices to Mariners are published below and are updated when new ones are issued. Notices to Mariners are also circulated by email to relevant stakeholders. If you would like to be added to our Local Notices To Mariners mailing list please contact the Harbour Services Team using the contact details provided on our Contact Us page.

All mariners and harbour users should navigate with caution using appropriate means and should ensure that navigation equipment and publications are always kept in working order and remain up to date.

Notices to Mariners issued by Ceredigion County Council:

AE No 10.24 Aberaeron - published 23/10/2024

AE No 09.24 Aberaeron - published 16/10/2024

AE No 05.24 New Quay - published 12/09/2024

AE No 08.24 Aberaeron - published 15/08/2024

AE No 07.24 Aberaeron - published 19/07/2024

NQ No 04.24 New Quay - published 09/07/2024

AE No 06.24 Aberaeron - published 05/07/2024

RT No 01.24 River Teifi - published 03/07/2024

AE No 05.24 Aberaeron - published 26/06/2024

AB No 02.24 Clarach - published 20/06/2024

AE No 01.24 Aberystwyth - published 14/06/2024

AE No 04.24 Aberaeron - published 30/04/2024

AE No 03.24 Aberaeron - published 17/04/2024

AE No 02.24 Aberaeron - published 13/03/2024

NQ No 03.24 New Quay - published 06/03/2024

NQ No 02.24 New Quay - published 06/03/2024

NQ No 01.24 New Quay - published 04/03/2024

AE No 01.24 Aberaeron - published 19/01/24

AE No 02.23 Aberaeron - published 27/11/2023

AB (T) No 07.22 Aberystwyth - published 04/10/2022

When navigating in or near Cardigan Bay it is prudent to check Local Notices to Mariners from all Local Lighthouse and Harbour Authorities and relevant stakeholders. Local Notice to Mariners issued by neighbouring and nearby authorities can be found on:

Local Lighthouse Authority Arrangements

Ceredigion County Council is the Local Lighthouse Authority for the coastline running from Ynyslas to Gwbert . This includes responsibility for Aids to Navigation (navigational lights, marks, and buoys) in Aberystwyth, Aberaeron and New Quay Harbours. The Harbour Services Team manages, inspects, and maintains the Aids to Navigation as per Port Marine Safety Code, Trinity House and IALA requirements.
Harbour Users and those navigating the coast are asked to inform the Harbour Services Team on becoming aware of a defect to any Aids to Navigation or anything that may affect the safety of navigation. This may include:

  • An extinguished light
  • A mark missing from station
  • A Missing top mark
  • A mark that’s uncharted
  • An unmarked navigational hazard or wreck
  • An uncharted shoal or foul ground
  • Anything else that in your opinion may affect the safety of navigation.

Contact information can be found on the Contact Us page.