Council Tax
Please note changes to Council Tax Premiums from 01/04/2024 and 01/04/2025
Online Council Tax Forms
Please use our online forms to alert us of changes or to request services.
Self Service - Connect
Connect enables residents to access their Council Tax, Non Domestic (Business) Rates or Housing Benefit/Council Tax Reduction accounts on-line through Ceredigion County Council's website.
Registered users can access their personal account or claim details. Also, landlords who receive Housing Benefit payments directly can access details of these payments.
Electronic Billing (e-Billing)
We have introduced E-Billing – a more efficient and convenient method for you to receive your bills which also cuts down on our printing and postage costs.
Please note that only account holders whose email addresses we have can receive their bills via email. In the case of joint account holders each person must provide their separate email addresses otherwise a paper bill will be issued.