If you are unable to make an essential journey because of a lack of transport, Ceredigion Country Cars may be able to help.

Country Cars is a voluntary transport scheme co-ordinated by the Royal Voluntary Service (RVS) and funded by Ceredigion County Council, which provides transport for residents of Ceredigion, regardless of age, who do not have transport available for essential journeys. The charge is based on mileage. Country Cars do not replace other public transport services and must link with those services wherever possible.

What constitutes an essential journey?

Essential journeys include:

  • Visits to doctor, dentist, chiropodist, optician
  • Visiting sick friends and relatives
  • Meeting bus or train services
  • Essential shopping
  • Collection of prescriptions
  • Important personal business (solicitor, accountant etc.)

Further Information

Please note that no passenger may make more than one journey per week with Country Cars, except in an emergency authorised by the Scheme Co-ordinator.

0781 248 5809 
(for further information, enquiries as to eligibility and to make bookings)