1. I am worried my child is having difficulties, what can I do?
  2. What are my rights and responsibilities?
  3. How will the school provide for my child?

I am worried my child is having difficulties, what can I do?

If you think your child may have a difficulty that has not been identified you should talk to their class teacher straight away.

You will be able to chat about your concerns and this will often help to quickly sort out worries and problems.

The closer you work with your child’s teachers, the more successful any help for your child will be. Sometimes, additional support will be needed for your child.

At first, the class teacher will turn to the school Additional Learning Needs Coordinator (ALNCo) or Headteacher for advice.

Ceredigion Parent Partnership Service offers information, impartial advice and support on Additional Learning Needs (ALN) for children, young people and families in Ceredigion.

We can:
• support with information on the ALN Code and on how Ceredigion schools support learners with ALN;
• meet with parents and carers and attend school meetings;
• support on building and maintaining good working relationships with professionals.

To get in touch, call 01545 570881 or email pps@ceredigion.gov.uk

We are also committed to supporting families through SNAP Cymru - an all-Wales children's charity who work with families on issues regarding additional learning needs and disabilities. For more information, visit SNAP's website: www.snapcymru.org

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What are my rights and responsibilities?

  • you should always ask for advice without delay
  • you should be consulted about all the decisions that affect your child
  • you have a vital role in supporting your child’s education
  • your views should be taken into account
  • the school must tell you when they first start giving extra or different help for your child
  • you should be consulted about all the decisions that affect your child
  • where appropriate the wishes of your child should be listened to
  • you are entitled to have a copy of your child’s Individual Education Plan (IEP)
  • if you want to talk to someone who is independent and knows about special educational needs, you can get help and advice from the local parent partnership service or, from national or local voluntary organisations.

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How will the school provide for my child?

In Ceredigion, we place great importance on identifying special educational needs as early as possible so that your child can receive the most effective support available.

The Graduated Response recognises that children learn in different ways and have different kinds and levels of special needs and that all teachers are teachers of special needs.

As defined in the Code of Practice the Graduated Response contains 3 levels of support or intervention.

Firstly the school will make full use of all available classroom and school resources to make sure your child has every opportunity to be taught the way they learn best.

The school will carefully monitor and review your child’s progress as evidence to show what has been done.

If your child’s progress continues to cause concern additional support and / or expertise can be brought in as part of a continuous cycle of planning, action and review.

Your child might need help through the Graduated Response for just a short time or, for many years.

The range and style of this support can be increased or reduced according to your child’s progress and individual needs.

All Ceredigion schools have access to a range of support services, so that they can identify learners who are having difficulties with their learning and provide them with the additional support.

If your child is not yet in school, please refer to our Nursery Education for 3-4 year olds section.

Where a school or setting feels they need more support, they may contact the local authority ALN service for advice and support from one of the services:

  • The Educational Psychology Service
  • Advisory Teachers
  • Sensory Support team
  • Early Years ALN Lead Officer (EYALNLO)
  • Post-16 Support

School Action:

At this level it will have been identified that your child needs interventions different from that provided as part of the school's usual differentiated curriculum.

Your child’s class teacher is responsible for working with them on a day-to-day basis. They will record the help your child needs in a more formal way.

This is called an individual educational / behaviour plan. (IEP / IBP)

It will include:

  • what help is given
  • who will provide it
  • how often your child will receive the help
  • what the targets for your child are
  • how the outcomes will be monitored
  • how you can support your child at school and at home

At this level the class teacher will be guided and supported by the school SENCo who is able to access additional strategies and resources.

At this stage you will receive a copy of your child’s IEP

School Action Plus:

Should your child’s progress not show significant improvement the SENCo will seek further advice.

The school SENCo will gather information and discuss your child’s needs with the specialist who will offer advice and support as how best to help your child.

This may be a Specialist Teacher, a Speech Therapist or other Health professionals.

As at School Action, this will be recorded in their IEP.

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The SEN Code of Practice ( Wales ) gives guidance for Local Authorities as to how to organise and deliver the best possible provision for pupils with special educational needs.

Ceredigion’s SEN strategy is based on this guidance.

The authority is committed to raising the achievement and narrowing the gap for children and young people with SEN so that they achieve the best possible standards, well-being and long-term life chances.

The authority believes that improving outcomes for pupils and young people with special educational needs is everyone’s responsibility.

It works in partnership with schools, parents and other agencies to ensure that all children in Ceredigion, whatever their need, are valued, experience success in their learning, achieve their potential and personal goals and maximize their chances of a full and meaningful life.

Ceredigion aims to provide:

  • an inclusive education as close to home and the local community as possible
  • early and accurate assessment of needs
  • a broad, balanced and relevant range of learning opportunities
  • a range of mainstream, enhanced and specialist provision
  • high quality support, advice and training for schools
  • timely, accurate and relevant information for parents and carers
  • resources and services that are appropriate, effective, equitable, transparent, consistent, efficient and accountable
  • access to social and leisure activities within the community


Strategy, Policy and Procedures

Healthcare Needs Policy

The Welsh Government Guidance, ‘Supporting learners with healthcare needs’, places a duty on local authorities and governing bodies to create and maintain effective healthcare needs policies.

This model healthcare needs policy has been prepared for Ceredigion schools and settings to adopt.

This policy has been created through collaboration with head teachers, SEN Coordinators and education settings, parents and carers, health and social services colleagues, adhering closely to the advice contained in the Welsh Government Guidance.

Access to the Welsh Government guidance document can be obtained from the following website address: www.learning.gov.wales

Healthcare Needs Policy

What are Special Educational Needs?

About one in five children will have Special Educational Needs at some time during their school life.
The law states that a child has Special Educational Needs ( SEN ) if he or she has learning or behavioural difficulties that require special help.

Your child has learning difficulties if they :

  • find it harder to learn than most children of the same age
  • have a disability which makes it difficult to use the local school

Learning difficulties may be caused by:

  • a physical disability
  • a problem with sight, hearing, speech and language
  • a developmental delay
  • emotional and or behaviour difficulties
  • a medical problem
  • specific difficulties with reading, writing or mathematics

The child’s class teacher or the Headteacher will always discuss any concerns parents may have about their child..

Most of the needs can be met in the mainstream school by the child’s class teacher. Sometimes, support will also be given by other specialists.

All our schools are able to provide support for the majority of pupils with SEN and there will be a teacher who has specific responsibility for this area. This person will be the school Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo).

These are some examples of areas of difficulties a child with special educational needs may experience.

  • reading, writing, number work
  • understanding information
  • expressing themselves or understanding what others are saying
  • making friends or relating to adults
  • behaving appropriately at school
  • organising themselves
  • difficulty in hearing, seeing, or moving around which may affect their learning

Inclusion in Ceredigion

Ceredigion is one of the most inclusive local authorities in Wales. We have no special schools, just a small number of specialist resource centres attached to mainstream schools. This means that the majority of our learners are educated within mainstream schools. This video describes the benefits of Inclusive education from the point of view of the parents of a child as well as the professionals involved.