Views are sought on the New Quay Library and Reading Room.

Ceredigion County Council has been the trustee of the charitable trust ‘New Quay Library and Reading Room’ since 1958. The trust owns the site of the former library, situated in Uplands Square, for the benefit of New Quay residents.

Library services have been run from the site for many years. The property became vacant on 01 November 2021 when the volunteers running the library, being New Quay Community Library (NQCL) re-located to New Quay Memorial Hall.

Both NQCL and Ceredigion’s Library Service have confirmed that they have no plans to move back to the trust site. There is a need for the Council, as trustee, to consider the position of the trust and its future. This is because the trust site is not currently being used for the purposes of the trust.

Councillor Matthew Vaux, the local representative and Cabinet Member for Partnerships, Housing, Legal and Governance and Public Protection, said: “We want to hear from local people on the future of this building. The original purposes of the trust have been adequately provided for by other means as library provision is now in New Quay Memorial Hall. The new purpose of the trust to be proposed to the Charity Commission be ‘the advancement of education of the inhabitants of New Quay’. Before we go ahead and approach the Charity Commission to propose a change in the trust’s purpose, we need to consult to help inform the final decision. We welcome the public’s opinion, especially New Quay residents and those living nearby, on the proposed new purpose and how the trust site could be used in the future within that new purpose.”

Have your say by completing the consultation online: New Quay Library consultation; request a copy by email from; request a paper copy to be posted to you by contacting or call 01545 570881. Paper copies will be available at the library within New Quay Memorial Hall and responses can be returned there. An alternative format of the consultation is available on request.

We look forward to receiving your views by the end of the consultation on 07 May 2023.

Once all responses have been collated the results will be taken before the Charity Trustee Committee for consideration and decision.
