Housing Strategy
The Housing Strategy sets out the vision for a further 5 years:
“There will be sufficient, suitable and sustainable accommodation to meet residents’ needs now and in the future.”
The purpose of the Local Housing Strategy is to set out a clear vision for housing within the County, along with the key priorities which identify and respond to the challenges ahead for the 5 years, 2023-2028.
The Strategy recognises the important role that Housing plays together with the influence it has on the health and wellbeing of individuals, families, and the wider community and remains considerate to the Welsh language and culture. It is important that we understand and consider the demands of future generations, their needs, and preferences and how they can be catered for. We need houses that can be adapted, and which can sustain people at different stages of their lifetime. This will go a long way to ensure a healthier population, alongside better use of existing housing stock, and improved standards and living conditions.