What is non-dependant?

A non-dependant is a person aged 18 or over who lives in your home or uses your home as their main residence on a non-commercial basis. It does not include:

  • your husband/wife/partner/civil partner
  • a child that you are receiving child benefit for
  • someone jointly liable to pay rent and/or council tax with you

Examples of people classed as a non-dependant would be a grown up son, daughter, friend or relative.

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How will my benefit/reduction be affected?

Normally, Housing Benefit, Local Housing Allowance and/or Council Tax Reduction may be reduced for each non-dependant living in your home.

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How is the non-dependant deduction calculated?

The Government (UK and Wales) set weekly deductions for non dependants depending on their gross weekly income. The more weekly income they have the greater the deduction - see current levels of deduction for benefit and reduction.

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Can a non-dependant claim?

No. A non-dependant cannot make a claim for any payment they make as a contribution for their keep.

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Does the money paid by a non-dependant for their keep count as my income?

No. Any money paid for keep by a non-dependant will not be treated as your income.

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What if the non-dependant does not pay me any money for their keep?

A non-dependant deduction will be made irrespective of whether the non-dependant pays you a contribution towards their keep.

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When do you not make a non-dependant deduction?

There will be no non-dependant deduction made in the following cases:

  • If you or your partner (if applicable) are registered blind
  • If you or your partner (if applicable) are receiving Attendance Allowance
  • If you or your partner (if applicable) are receiving the care component of Disability Living Allowance at any rate
  • If you or your partner (if applicable) are receiving the daily living component of Personal Independence Payment
  • If you or your partner (if applicable) are in receipt of an Armed Forces Independence Payment
  • For Housing Benefit and Local Housing Allowance - non-dependants aged under 25 receiving Jobseeker's Allowance (income based), Income Support or Employment and Support Allowance (income-related) at the assessment phase.
  • For Council Tax Reduction – non-dependants receiving Jobseeker's Allowance (income based), Income Support or Employment and Support Allowance (income-related)
  • Non-dependants in receipt of Pension Credit
  • Non-dependants who are full-time students (a deduction may be applied if the student is in remunerative work over the summer vacation)
  • Non-dependants who are youth trainees
  • Non-dependants who are in prison
  • Non-dependants in hospital for 52 weeks or more

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Non-dependant deduction rules for certain pensioners

For Housing Benefit and Local Housing Allowance

The rules for non-dependant deductions are different if you or your partner (if applicable) are aged 65 or over.

If a non-dependant either:

  • moves into your household
  • or your non-dependants income increases

We will not reduce your Housing Benefit/ Local Housing Allowance  for 26 weeks.

For Council Tax Reduction

Any non-dependant change will be applied immediately

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What information do I need to provide in respect of my non-dependant(s)?

You do not need to provide evidence of your non-dependant(s) identity and national insurance number. However, you will need to provide documentary evidence of all their weekly income, for example:

  • 5 consecutive weekly wage slips or 2 consecutive monthly wage slips
  • Benefit award letter from the Department for Work and Pensions
  • Self-employed accounts
  • Total annual interest paid on any savings

For a detailed breakdown of the documents that can be provided in support of your non-dependants weekly income please see Supporting Evidence Checklist.

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What happens if my non-dependant(s) circumstances change?

The law says that you must inform us if there are any changes to the information we have used to decide the amount of Housing Benefit, Local Housing Allowance, Council Tax Reduction you are entitled to.

It is very important to tell us straightaway. You should get in touch with us even if you are still waiting to hear from us about your claim.

If you do not tell us, it may mean that the amount of benefit/reduction you get is incorrect. We may not be paying you enough and you could miss out on money you are entitled to or it may mean that we are overpaying you and you will have to pay it back later.

For detailed information on how to report a change in circumstance and what changes you have to report - please see Change of Circumstances.

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Council Tax Reduction

What are the current levels of deductions for Council Tax Reduction?

Please note: Remunerative work is defined as employment for 16 hours or more per week (for which payment is made or expected to be made).

Non-dependant deductions April 2024
In receipt of State Pension Credit, Income Support (IS) or income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA(IB)) or Employment and Support Allowance (Income Related) or Universal Credit (where the award is calculated on the basis that the non-dependant does not have any earned income) Nil
Aged 18 or over and in remunerative work (over 16 hours) - This to include those also in receipt of Universal Credit and in remunerative work  
- gross income: less than £256 5.80
- gross income: not less than £256 but less than £445 11.55
- gross income: not less than £445 but less than £554 14.50
- gross income: £554 and above 17.35
- Others aged 18 or over 5.80

Housing Benefit

What are the current levels of deductions for Housing Benefit

Please note: Remunerative work is defined as employment for 16 hours or more per week (for which payment is made or expected to be made).

Non-dependant deductions April 2024
Aged under 25 and in receipt of Income Support (IS) or income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA(IB)) or Employment and Support Allowance (Income Related) which does not include an amount for the support component or work-related activity component or Universal Credit (where the award is calculated on the basis that the non-dependant does not have any earned income) Nil
Aged 25 or over and on IS or JSA(IB), or aged 18 or over and not in remunerative work 19.30
In receipt of main phase ESA(IR) (any age) 19.30
In receipt of Pension Credit Nil
Aged 18 or over and in remunerative work  
- gross income: less than £176 19.30
- gross income: £176 to £255.99 44.40
- gross income: £256 to £333.99 60.95
- gross income: £334 to £444.99 99.65
- gross income: £445 to £553.99 113.50
- gross income: £554 and above 124.55

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