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Ceredigion County Council website

Information & Guidance for new keepers to livestock

County Parish Holding number (CPH)

To keep livestock (sheep/goats/cattle/pigs/deer) you need a County Parish Holding (CPH) number. To apply for a holding number call the Welsh Government on 0300 062 5004.

As well as having a holding number, every holding with livestock must register each species kept with the Animal & Plant Health Agency (APHA) on 0300 303 8268.

When you register that you are keeping a species you are issued with a Flock number for Sheep, or a Herd mark for Goats, Pigs and Cattle. The flock/herd marks are a quick and effective way of identifying the premises that the species have moved from. It is available to inspectors for rapid tracing.

On Farm Records

On farm records must be kept for each species.

Sheep, Goats and Pigs

Any movement must be recorded in your on farm movement records within 36 hours of the movement taking place. On farm movement records must include the following:

  • Date of movement
  • Total number of animals moved
  • Identification marks (including temporary mark if moved to slaughter, individual numbers if moved to a show, assembly centre or if the animal moved is a ram.)
  • Transporter name & Vehicle Registration Number
  • CPH of Departure Premises
  • CPH of Destination Premises
  • Lot number if moved from market


There is also a requirement to keep on farm records for cattle. The register must be completed within the following deadlines:

  • 36 hours in the case of movements on or off a holding
  • 7 days for the birth of a dairy animal
  • 30 days for the birth of cattle not in a dairy herd
  • 7 days for death
  • 36 hours of replacing ear tags

Movements of cattle must be accompanied by a valid passport and must be reported to BCMS via CTS online or by using the freepost postcards found at the back of the passport.

Medicine Records

Any person engaged by way of business in the rearing or production of animals shall keep a record of such particulars relating to the administration of any veterinary medicinal product to any animal. The following information is required to be recorded.

  • Date of purchase of veterinary medicine
  • Name of veterinary medicine and quantity purchased
  • Supplier of veterinary medicine
  • Identity of animal/group treated
  • Number treated
  • Date treatment finished
  • Date when withdrawal period ended
  • Total quantity of veterinary medicine used
  • Name of person who administered veterinary medicine

For an example of Medicine Records Sheet click on the following document:

Medicine Records Sheet