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Ceredigion County Council website

Cardigan Bay Fisheries Local Action Group (FLAG)

Introducing the Cardigan Bay Fisheries Local Action Group (FLAG) 2017-2020

Supporting fishing communities and the fishing industry in Cardigan Bay from St Dogmaels to Barmouth.

FLAG stands for Fisheries Local Action Group; it is funded through the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) and Welsh Government.

The overall aim of the Cardigan Bay FLAG is to promote the sustainable development of fisheries communities and areas.

The FLAG is a private/voluntary & community/public sector partnership. It aims to assist the area’s coastal communities and the local fishing industry to improve the economic prosperity and quality of life in the area. EMFF has been secured to enable a programme of activity to be developed and delivered in the FLAG area.

The funding is available for the fishing industry, fishing communities and groups and organisations involved in the social, economic and environmental well-being of the Cardigan Bay coast.

European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF)

The FLAG funding forms part of the EMFF which is programmed to run to 2020.
The Welsh Government on behalf of the Marine Management Organisation oversees the overall EMFF programme in Wales. Funds will provide support for sustainable development within the fishing and aquaculture sectors and conservation of the marine environment, alongside growth and jobs in coastal communities.

The Cardigan Bay Fisheries Local Action Group (FLAG)

The FLAG is integral to the approach of being a community led programme which promotes and supports co-operation and partnership working. It involves representatives from public, private and voluntary and community sectors with a strong focus on the fishing industry and marine/coastal interests.

Flag Members

Community Sector Representation

  • Hanes Aberporth
  • Aberystwyth Angling Association
  • Welsh Federation of Sea Anglers
  • Wildlife Trust of South & West Wales
  • Cynnal y Cardi

Public Sector Representation

  • Ceredigion County Council
  • New Quay Town Council
  • Aberdyfi Town Council
  • Aberystwyth University
  • Seafish Wales

Private Sector Representation

  • Cardigan Bay Fisherman's Association
  • West Wales Shell Fisherman's Association
  • New Quay Boat Trips
  • Swallow Boats


  • Mid Wales Tourism
  • Aberystwyth Boat Club
  • Natural Resources Wales

To raise the profile of the FLAG, it aims to hold its meetings in different locations throughout the FLAG area during the year. In this way communication with various fisheries communities can be increased and FLAG members from those communities will be able to publicise that the group would be present and would be more than happy to chat informally with anyone having an interest in the work of the FLAG and potential project ideas.

The Local Development Strategy

The FLAG has developed a Strategy based on the area’s needs and aims of the EMFF programme. A full copy of the Strategy is available from the coordinator and on the website. Only projects which are in accord with and support the aims of the Strategy will be supported by the FLAG.

What are the Programme Priorities to be funded?

Funding is available for the following priorities:

  • Adding value, creating jobs, attracting young people and promoting innovation at all stages of the supply chain of fishery and aquaculture products
  • Supporting diversification inside or outside commercial fisheries, lifelong learning and job creation in fisheries and aquaculture areas
  • Enhancing and capitalising on the environmental assets of the fisheries and aquaculture areas, including operations to mitigate climate change
  • Promoting social well-being and cultural heritage in fisheries and aquaculture areas, including fisheries, aquaculture and maritime cultural heritage
  • Strengthening the role of fisheries communities in local development and the governance of local fisheries resources and maritime activities

Examples of potential projects are included in the Local Development Strategy.

The overall aim of the FLAG is to ‘increase the contribution that the fishing industry can make to the sustainable social and economic regeneration of the Cardigan Bay’s fisheries communities.

FLAG funding is available for eligible projects and currently there is no minimum or maximum value for applications though the FLAG will take into account the potential impact of any project in determining approval amounts.

Open Call For Project Ideas

Expressions of Interests are now being invited for implementing FLAG activity in the Cardigan Bay FLAG area (covering from St Dogmaels to Barmouth) via an open call. FLAG aims to support innovative responses to opportunities or challenges faced by our fisheries communities.

Building on the successes of the last programme of European Fisheries Funding, Cardigan Bay FLAG has received more funds for delivering innovative initiatives until 2020. This project has received funding through the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, which is funded by the European Union and the Welsh Government.

The FLAG wants to hear from anyone with appropriate project ideas.

This opportunity is open to local people, communities, businesses or organisations who want to support their fisheries community.

  • An Expression of Interest with your ideas is the first step. At this stage the eligibility of the project and its “fit” with the Local Development Strategy will be assessed by the FLAG and then the next steps will be discussed